Sunday, September 18, 2016

Eddie and Erdős

Today I read Eddie a picture book about Paul Erdős, The Boy Who Loved Math. (At one point he demanded "Did I pick this book?" and I had to admit that no, Papa picked this book.)

Near the end it mentions Erdős numbers and has a graph with pictures of people and their connections, with numbers one and two. Eddie said "I wish I had Erdős number one."

"Well, that's impossible now," I said, "because—"

"I mean, I wish I had Erdős number three!" he said.

"OK!" I said. "We can do that. If you write a paper with me someday, you'll have Erdős number three."

"Yeah!" he said. "We'll write a paper together."

After we finished the book, he was ready to start right away. "Let's write a paper, Papa."

So, we did.

So Eddie's Erdős number is 3.


  1. An excellent club that Eddie has now joined!
    Congratulations, Eddie! And lucky grandma Subie now has TWO Erdos scholars in her family!

  2. Wow! Congratulations, Erdos no. 2 and no. 3 family guys! You make us proud! If I add an addendum to this paper, will I qualify for an Erdos no. 4? Here it is: Nonno, at 68, is past his prime, but he can be prime again at 71.

    1. only if he remembers to go to the gym
