Monday, July 31, 2017


Today, Vincent moved out of his crib into a bed! He seems happy about his new digs, although we haven't tried actually sleeping in it yet.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Brothers at Preschool

Vincent joined Eddie yesterday for Sunflower Preschool's "Summer Camp", for his first preschool experience! They are both going for four hours (8:30–12:30), three days a week. This is some of Vinci's first time away from his parents.

He really wanted to go to preschool with Eddie in the spring, so he's happy about this. Just in the past few weeks, though, he's entered a more shy and scaredy-cat phase. The teachers report that he was very quiet and well-behaved on his first day. Today (his second day) he was already more talkative. I'm sure that pretty soon he will be positively boisterous.

When I went to pick them up from the first day, Vincent saw me first. He was happy to see me, and pointed me out to his teacher, then ran around to meet me by the gate. I asked where Eddie was, and he led me to him, in a shed—Vinci was keeping track of his brother. After collecting Eddie, we had to get their lunchboxes, and Vinci was very excited because he knew where they were! He ran to the carts where the teachers had put them and picked up his own lunchbox. He was very proud that he could help Papa find his things.