Monday, May 30, 2016

Next step up

On the way to school, Eddie and I saw a swarm of ants on the sidewalk, and Eddie stopped to examine them for a minute.

Later he said "Papa, there must have been a hundred ants!"

"Yeah!" I said. "Even more than a hundred, I think."

"Yes, there were a billion ants!" he said.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Vincent's vocab

When Vincent wants to be picked up, or put down, he says "Up!" When he is strapped into his high chair, he can be very emphatic about it. "Upppppppp!"

He likes his hat—he always gets it when he wants to go out, and says "Ha', ha'."

He calls balls "ba." His toy cars are "ca," and whenever anyone says "ca", he has to climb up the sofa to look out the window and point at cars driving by.

We went out this morning. I put his coat on and he said "co." While we were out, we walked by a dog, and he said "do."

He loves to be read to now—this is a pretty recent development (the past few weeks.) He holds up a book plaintively and cries if you don't start reading immediately. Today he picked up a book and said "bu."

When we talk about his diaper, he points at his butt, but he hasn't said anything about it yet. He calls his water bottle "wa". When I say "ground," he looks down and seems confused (perhaps he is wondering why I am talking about the ground.)