A few weeks ago, we all went to meet our new family doctor. Eddie was shy around her, but seemed to like her, and Vincent was delighted to see her, of course. We had a "meet-and-greet," Papa got a flu shot, and Eddie got flu mist up his nose.
Later, Papa and Eddie were out for a walk, and Eddie brought up the doctor.
"Why did we see the doctor?" he asked.
"She is going to take care of our family and make sure we're well," I told him.
"Did you and Mommy like her?" he asked.
"Yes," I told him.
"Did Vincent like her?"
"I think he did."
"I like her too," he said.
"When is she moving to our house?" he asked, a little shyly.
I explained that the doctor won't come live with us, but we'll go see her when we're sick or injured.