Saturday, November 8, 2014

Conversations with Eddie

Eddie has started asking incessant "Why"s in earnest.
After running one topic into the ground with "Why", he said (apropos of nothing):
"Bugs?" I asked, not sure I'd heard correctly.
"Yeah," he said. "They bugs." (Beat.) "Why?"

(Papa is reading a poem about someone who knows what you need to take 9 from to make 11)
Papa: "Do you know what you need to take 9 from to make 11?"
Eddie: "I like you."
Papa: "Do you need to take 9 from a dragon to make 11?"
Eddie: "Boo!"

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Eddie got some candy trick-or-treating on Halloween. He's been very good at sharing it, and he's obeyed our restrictions (one piece after a meal.) But he obsesses about it all the time. Yesterday, he didn't fall asleep during his naptime, but talked in his crib the whole time; much of it concerned the candy. He called out "Papa, don't eat the candy!"

This morning, while on the potty, he decided to be Frankenstein's monster. When I told him "Good job," he roared and growled "Thank you" in his monster voice. Then he stomped around, growling "Rrr! Candy good!"

It's snowing!