Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Taking care of Papa

We were in the bedroom playing "I spy," with colors. Papa said "I spy, with my little eye, something blue!" Eddie found a blue blanket.  Papa said "I spy, with my little eye, something orange!" Eddie found an orange piece of cloth. Then Papa said "I spy, with my little eye, something silly!" Eddie didn't miss a beat. He pointed at me and said "Silly Papa!"

Then Eddie tried it. He said "My little eye, something blue!" Then "My little eye, something Papa!" and "My little eye, something Eddie!" He rolled around on the bed laughing, then said "Poor Papa." "Poor Papa?" I asked. "Papa cry." he said. Papa was confused. Eddie made it clear that this was an instruction. "Papa cry!" So Papa cried "Boo hoo hoo."

"What's wrong?" Eddie asked solicitously. "Need a hug." He gave me a nice hug and I felt much better. Then we repeated the exercise a half-dozen times.


Today I pretended to read a book in my hands and asked Eddie how the story went. This is what he came up with:

Once upon a time there was a dragon. It went to the city. It was eating the city up, nom nom nom. There was a boy, and his Grandpa, and Grandma, and Mommy, who is Eddie's Mommy, and Papa (Eddie's Papa). They played ball.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Plenty bright

When I got Eddie up from bed, I turned on the light. He squinted and said "Need glasses." (He was referring to his styling pair of sunglasses.) "Is it too bright?" I asked. He said "Need glasses. I'm not too bright."